Sorrel Tea
Learn how to make Sorrel Tea
Sorrel Tea, or sorrel juice, also known as Jamaican Hibiscus, is a refreshing treat in the islands. This delicious drink is made with either fresh or dried sorrel buds often combined with local herbs and spices like cinnamon, clove and bay leaf boiled into a tea. A favorite during Christmas celebrations, and it’s beautiful color helps it to fit the part!
Hot or Cold, Sorrel Tea is Delicious!
The rich dark red decoction is often served quite sweet! We add a minimal amount of coconut sugar to our blend to make a sweet and sour beverage that is delicious served hot or chilled. It is refreshing, thirst quenching and balancing in the winter months, specifically for Vata Dosha or the Vata season here in the islands where the nights are cool and the trade winds are blowing.
We find after a day at the beach sorrel makes us feel so good! Packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, it is a blood tonic, supports skin health, supports circulation and is known for having anti-inflammatory properties.
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