Ayurvedic Wellness Services
Available by Appointment at Centro La Paz, Rincon Puerto Rico
Specializing in digestive health, detoxification and women’s care with a focus on fertility and conscious conception. We offer a wide range of services from family care, pre and post natal support and birthing services for pre-existing clients including meal prep and delivery for postpartum families. Contact us directly to learn if Ayurveda is right for you!
What to expect working with an Ayurvedic Practitioner
During your session we will discuss diet, nutrition, sleep support, movement therapies, breathwork, herbs and daily practices that can address a wide range of issues from digestive imbalance, stress, sleep irregularity, immune support, hormonal balance, fertility, nervous system support, healthy weight management and more. This is ideal for those looking for personalized care that are ready to take action in positive steps towards balanced living. For acute imbalance single sessions can be booked while for those with chronic conditions 3-6 months of care may be recommended upon evaluation. Intake paperwork will be shared at your first visit. Contact us directly for bookings.
Contact Carlisle on Instagram @mahavidya
amlakcarlisle@gmail.com or WhatsApp 340-514-5425
Visit www.mahavidyaayurveda.com to learn more about Ayurveda/ $25 Deposit Required for All Bookings by Venmo or Zelle or Pay in Full Below
How Women’s Health Shapes Community Wellness
Ayurveda “the science of life” has placed a strong emphasis on supporting wellbeing not only for those desiring current states of health but also well before the moment of conception. With our Prakrit (constitution) forming at the moment we are conceived it makes sense to tend to the health of mother and father to be supporting wellness for the life they are brining into form. Through detoxification, rejuvenation, daily and seasonal care and mindfulness around women’s health and energy cycles we can not only change the health of our child to be, but actively help create a community of healthy individuals which can offer greater sustainability and joy for generations to come.
Our wellness offerings at Maha Vidya are tailored to support families from the potential desire of new life all the way through the birthing and postnatal process. With dietary support, lifestyle recommendations, womb healings, birth support and postpartum care including meal delivery, mother and baby massage therapy and health and emotional counseling our team is here to work with you throughout the process and initiation of motherhood and beyond. Whether you are looking to find health and regulation in metabolism, hormones and menstrual cycles, maximize fertility or have questions about family health and overall wellness reach out! We welcome you to join the Maha Vidya Ayurveda Family and are honored to work with you and your loved ones.