Cardamom Cacao Rose Bliss Balls
Cardamom Cacao Rose Ayurvedic Bliss Balls are our favorite sweet treat and afternoon snack perfect to share with those you love. Using the cooling sweet taste in the summer along with rose petals and cardamom this makes an easy to
Ojas Bliss Balls
Looking for a sweet treat or snack to take on the go? Ojas Bliss Balls may be the answer. These powerhouse snacks are delightful and welcomed when shared with friends and family. Be sure to make a double batch this
Sesame Ojas Bliss Balls
Ayurvedic treat and favorite for the whole family. Nourishing dessert perfect for post cleanse tonification and seasonal support. Modern granola bars can be drying and aggravating for Vata dosha which make Ojas Bliss Balls an outstanding option for an afternoon
How to Make Kitchari
Kitchari means "mixture" and is usually a porridge like consistency of basmati rice and mung dal prepared with digestive spices and seasonal vegetables It is light, easy to digest, detoxifying and nourishing for all constitutions. During our 3, 7 and
Agni Spice Blend
Digestive health is THE most important support we can give our body. When the agni (digestive fire) is in balance nutrients from the food we intake can be converted into essence of food (ahara rasa) which in turn becomes development