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Agni Spice Blend

Our Agni Spice Blend is a simple recipe to support your digestion and overall well-being!

Digestive health is THE most important support we can give our body.

When the agni (digestive fire) is in balance, nutrients from the food we consume can be converted into the essence of food (ahara rasa), which in turn develops healthy tissues throughout the entire body. It is important to remember, we are not just what we eat, but also how we eat and digest our food!

If you have worked with an Ayurvedic Practitioner before you are probably aware of this significance because digestion and elimination are usually the first targeted areas of support. One simple way to jump start this practice for yourself and your family is the incorporation of digestive spices into your daily regimen.

This blend can be used in meal preparation, or taken as pre-digestive support by sipping warm water with a 1/2 tsp of the blend before meals. We love to do this while we are cooking in the kitchen. Keeping a jar of pre-made agni spice nearby encourages you to remember to use it! We also enjoy taking a spice jar of the blend with us anywhere we travel. This helps balance the digestive system while we are away from home, even if we are visiting friends and family, to support an overall state of balance and ease in transitions of place and time. Our blend is available in our Etsy Shop or you can try making your own!

“We are what we eat– and how we digest it.”- Dr. Amruta Athale

Agni Spice Mix for Every Season


Sluggish digestion tends to rule in the spring season, where pungent warming and drying spices can help break up accumulation of mucus or congestion, ignite the digestive fire and help gently cleanse the system.

Try omitting the coconut and sesame seeds to lighten the blend allowing the highlight to be the spices themselves. During the spring season we enjoy roasting vegetables with this pungent mix. This helps promote kapha busting qualites in foods and allows the body to take in all the nutrients needed to prepare yourself for the summer season without adding excess bulk or heaviness as a whole.


The increase in heat throughout the summer season can create dehydration and exhaustion which can lead to excess heat in the body and eventually lowered digestive function which can create indigestion, irregular elimination and fluctuations in appetite. The key is to consume light easy to digest foods. When you feel like you need a little something extra Agni Spice Mix is the perfect go-to! However, take note! We recommend shifting the recipe! How do we increase our digestive fire (agni) without adding more heat? The answer is cooling dipanas.

Our traditional Agni Spice Mix incorporates pungent warming spices that increase our digestive fire and help us digest food. Since pungent taste is contraindicated during intense summer weather making cooling, demulcent and sweet tastes ideal.

Summer Agni Spice Mix– Equal parts dill seed and fennel seed (dry roasted like the Agni Spice Mix) with equal parts toasted coconut flakes.

We usually dry roast the seeds first and then add the toasted coconut. If kapha dosha is not an issue you can add 1/4 part jaggery or cane sugar and it makes the most delightful sweet blend that you and the whole family will adore.

*while dill seed is mildly warming it is a nice alternative to the warmer spices like cumin and ajwain- when combined with fennel seed it will support agni without raising pitta dosha*



The irregular weather patterns, periods of damp high rain or fluctuating wind and dryness frequently create an increase in Vata dosha within the Autumn season. This can create irregularity in the digestive system and slowly make agni (digestive fire) low or imbalanced. Our traditional Agni Spice recipe is perfect for fall. If you live in a place that still sees high temperatures and excess heat stick with the coconut shreds while those in cooler climates can add the warming quality of sesame seeds.

Autum is a perfect time to participate in a seasonal Pancha Karma program or home cleanse.  If you join us this recipe will definitely be shared!

Otherwise it’s a nice time of year to nibble on the blend while you are preparing meals to prep the system for optimum digestive support and nourishment.


The season of strength and high digestive fire! While the fire may be blazing both in your living room and your gut, we want to keep it that way! The winter season blesses us with hunger and strength building but it is important to keep angi balanced so that the food we consume is not heavier than our digestive fire. If that happens it can create sluggishness, excess accumulation of weight and mucus and overall heaviness in the body and mind.

Using the Agni Spice mix both before a meal and after a meal can help throughout the winter season. Make a jar of it and enjoy!


If you are looking for additional and accessible support surrounding not only what to eat, but how to eat and digest at your best, review the Healthy Eating Guidelines of Ayurveda. Offering step-by-step outlines and detailed approaches on how we share tips for digestive health with our clients and community. This is one of THE most important concepts of Ayurveda and not to be missed!

Agni Spice Blend

Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 5 Minutes
Agni Spice Blend


  • Cumin Seed
  • Fennel Seed
  • Dill Seed
  • Carom Seed (ajwain)
  • Sesame Seeds in Winter/ Coconut Flakes in Summer


1. Combine equal amounts of seeds and dry roast on stove top or in oven until fragrant. (roast sesame and/ or coconut separately)
2. Cool and combine in clean glass jar.
3. Store for daily use.
This blend is suitable for for all constitutions. If you are looking for something more specific for you please contact us for an Ayurvedic Consultation.

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