Rutacharya- Seasonal Regimen
Rut– Seasonal Charya– Regimen
In Ayurveda it is shared that the year is broken into two parts. During the “northern solstice” or Summer season it peaks as the Sun travels Northward in the sky. This invokes sharp, hot and dry qualities through constant sun exposure and excess heat. Undoubtedly the effects of these qualities weaken the properties of earth and water within the body. This makes us feel slowly squeezed, lighter and weaker.
During the “southern solstice” or Winter season the sun appears to be traveling South in the sky. This effect conveys a predominance of coolness, darkness, heaviness. These qualities serve to strengthen the presence of the moon while offering properties of gentleness and calm to counter the excess heat of the opposing season. Thus, promoting more stability, strength and coolness within the body. The transitional times of Autumn and Spring, or the phases between these opposing seasons, is where we often see the greatest imbalance and fluctuations due to the excess accumulation from these extremes.
This is why seasonal practices or Rutacharya are so very important.
Shifting our diet, choice of herbs, approach to exercise and subtle changes in daily practice can create a fluid seasonal transition, and reduce the accumulation of imbalance by working with the qualities in Nature. This approach immediately to feels quite natural and eventually it can become quite exciting to shift focus every few months with different routines that support our well-being.
“It is not in our hand how the Nature is changing, but it is our responsibility to change our diet and lifestyle to reflect these changes to maintain our own state of balance. Nature is always changing so we must change as well.” – Dr. Amruta Athale
One easy maxim to remember is like increases like, cultivate the opposite. Observing the qualities in your environment help you to understand precisely what to do! For example, if its warm outside utilize cooling practices. If it is moist and humid outside consider drying practices. If the weather is windy and cool try warm unctuous foods and self-oil massage. Garden fresh foods or those from a local farmers market make seasonal choices easy and rewarding for the community too. Check out our post on the Qualities in Nature for more insight!
Predominant Dosha of Each Season
Spring- Kapha
Summer- Pitta
Autumn- Vata
Winter- Neutral
Excess accumulation of Dosha from Summer and Autumn is expelled to create a clean slate for building Ojas (immunity) for the year to come. Through observation we frequently see clients with fluctuations between Vata and Kapha vitiations or other imbalances if the Winter season is not welcomed with care.
Each season we offer FREE Seasonal Food Guides. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter for it to be sent right to your email. For deeper practices consider our Seasonal Support- Rutacharya Workshop. These programs change each season. Offering information for diet, lifestyle, asana, pranayama, skin health, simple tips to share with those you love and more. See you there!