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Seasonal Regimen – Rutacharya

Man and Universe Theory 

Ayurveda reveals the unique relationship between Man and Nature. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of a seasonal regimen to harness this understanding for greater health. By moving with the seasons and adapting our habits accordingly, we optimize our energy, health, and vitality for the year ahead. As the seasons change, so must we, embracing the seasonal shifts to align with nature’s rhythm. Our short courses, available online, or guided Seasonal Home Cleanse enable you to work with your local season change, recognizing that it varies across the globe, and incorporate a tailored seasonal regimen for holistic well-being.

Seasonal Regimen or rutacharya helps support the system to increase immunity, supports sleep, energy and shares guidance as to why you may feel different throughout the year. This program is recommended for everyone and can be easily adapted and shared to your entire family upon completion. For those looking for more support our Individual Practice Program is available to all participants for private calls and personalized techniques. If you are joining us for our Seasonal Cleanse this course is included. 

seasonal regimen seasonal regimen seasonal regimen

 Rutcharya (Seasonal Cleanse) Programs include:

Seasonal Dinacharya (self-care) 

Daily Checklist

Seasonal Regimen Webinar with Carlisle Amlak

Asana, Exercise and Pranayama Webinar with Zaplin Vermie

Printable Recipes 

BONUS Eating by the Season Guide 

Register today for this Seasons Program!