Featured Products
Welcome to Renuatum Skincare by Maha Vidya Ayurveda! Our products are hand made in small batches on the Northwest Coast of Puerto Rico utilizing the best fresh local ingredients and high quality herbs & oils.
Inspired by nature and the practices of Ayurveda each bottle is made in small batches with traditional medicine making techniques making potent, high vibration skincare and healing maximizing sense therapy and whole body care.
Rosehips and Collagen
Noni Healing Rub – The Painkiller
Night Queen Face Oil
Skin Re-Nu-Al Body Oil
Lil Noni Healing Rub – The Painkiller
$8.00 -
Aloe & Herb Facial Toner
$32.00 -
Sandal Rose Face Powder
$28.00 -
Hula Hair- Suncare & Regrowth Spray
$24.00 -
Long Locks Hair Oil
$30.00 -
Skin Re-Nu-Al Body Oil
$36.00 -
Inspire Sattva: Crystal Charged Healing Oil
$52.00 -
Revive Kapha: Crystal Charged Healing Oil
$42.00 -
Calm Pitta: Crystal Charged Healing Oil
$42.00 -
Ground Vata: Crystal Charged Healing Oil
$42.00 -
Night Queen Face Oil
$48.00 -
Noni Healing Rub – The Painkiller
$29.00 -
Noni Healing Oil- The Painkiller
$32.00 -
Rosehips and Collagen