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Our Team

Asana and Pranayama Specialist and head of our Yoga Programs

Zaplin Vermie (ERYT-500) has been intimately engaged with the healing arts since childhood and a dedicated student of yoga for over fifteen years. Through years of endeavoring his own spiritual and scholastic self-study, this Iowa native has encountered many teachers and teachings from cultures around the world who helped challenge, develop and balance his intellect with compassionate discernment. An ardent student of life, between continuing studies and actively pursues and maintains qualifications in anatomy, physiology, nutrition, comparative religious  philosophy and music while teaching yoga and meditation classes.


Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Herbalist, Pancha Karma Specialist and head of our Ayurveda Programs

Carlisle Amlak is a Ayurvedic Practitioner, Pancha Karma Specialist, certified Ayurvedic Educator, Ayurvedic Body Healing Therapist, Certified Herbalist,  as well as a Sai Shakti healer and Yoga teacher. Carlisle has studied these ancient practices for over 17 years. Receiving training from the University of Natural Medicine, various Ayurvedic Schools including the California College of Ayurveda, American Institute of Vedic Studies, Arya Academy and the East West School of Herbology, as well as teachers trainings with the Himalayan Institute, Universal Yoga and Pranakriya Yoga. She is well versed in the Vedic tradition and is dedicated to upholding the true teachings of the yogic philosophy and application in the modern world.

She has been given a unique opportunity to share these teachings throughout the continental US as well as in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and South America learning during these times the unique application of medicinal plants along the way. Currently she and her family reside between Maine and Puerto Rico, sharing knowledge shares, gardening and spending time studying nature.


Guest Teacher and Head of of the Professional Ayurveda Programs 

Dr. Amruta Ketan Athale BAMS, MD (Ayurveda), R.M.A.S. (U.S.A), C.A.P (Canada) is a physician trained in Ayurveda and modern medicine in a 8.5 year program in India under the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.

Being involved as Ayurveda Physician and Mentor, at the most reputable Ayurveda Hospitals, Clinics and Institutes for more than 15 years in India and Abroad taught her a practical approach for patients care. She has traveled and lived extensively all over the world to offer consultations, develop and teach courses, deliver lectures, for health care professionals and individuals.